Friday 1 April 2011

My own Graphic/ Photography work .....

Nothing much to look at.........
For this piece i wanted to portray the way people feel when they look in the mirror, so all the words that you can see that are edited onto this all relate as they are un-nerving and negative words. I find that the use of the photograph of the broken smashed mirror give this piece a very edgy feel this making the view feel what the person who did it felt, the person who felt this felt unhappy in there own skin. They are not happy on how they look. This piece also makes me want to go down the route of self harm, as they could have smashed the mirror in anger but in the process of this got so angry that they turned to self harm and cut them self with the sharp edges of the broken up mirror. Overall i personally like this piece as i feel it captures the audiences eye.

Thursday 24 March 2011

Photography my own work

These photos of my own work are the work that i did in my exam, i wanted to play about with the different reflections show when the broken mirror that i smashed up, ready to be able to hang from fishing wire. The reflections where created by shining a light on to the broken mirrors to get the broken up refelection onto the plain walls.

Design ideas

I am currently working on some main design ideas, this helping me think about whatwould be good and possible to do for my final piece. throughout this proccess I have struggled a little as i have not been able to do what i think i could have, this delaying the process, but neverthe less stopping it. I have started to work round the problems. For example, i have not been able to hang my big mirror up on the back wall of the room which i have painted (metal wall) this making all my design ideas currently not work. However i will be drilling a wooden sheet onto the metal wall with special fixing to hold up and hang my mirror upon this hopfully fixing the problem!


annotations to be added........

Monday 14 March 2011

Cornelia Parker

Her work is full of waste things, stuff that has been discarded or is undergoing a process of disposal.Parker’s method of interrogating things and the meanings that pre-exist her interaction with them. Her work demonstrates how these meanings can undergo change, transformation and translation. Her best known works, Thirty Pieces of Silver (1988–89), Cold Dark Matter: An Exploded View (1991), Mass: Colder Darker Matter (1997), Avoided Object (1995), and The Negative of Words (1996), operate in a diffuse chorus to reassess how meaning becomes attached to and validated by material; explicating how these attachments can become located, detached and reconfigured. Parker does not so much create as recreate things, taking what pre-exists and manipulating this condition of pre-existence in order to query the time we distribute to things.


For these photography pieces, i wanted to show how different people feel when they look into a mirror.
I was heavily inspired by          as her use in photography and also how she uses signs and stops random people off the street and gets them to write down what job they would like to be and what there dream job would be. i was inspired by this as i got people around my class to write down what they feel like when the look in the mirror. once taking the photos i super emposed the photographs and edited they words into them.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

recording my feelings...



For this photo, i thought strongly on how different people may feel when they look into the mirror, for this particular photo, i find that the person in mind is thinking that they need belief in themselves. This making you think what that person could be going through at a certain time of there life for them to feel this way. I selected this photograph out of the 50 i took because i thought it provoked thought and making you feel as if you maybe need to feel belief in yourself ?

For this photo i found it was compositionally strong in the way it was set out, this is why i chose it.
once taking this photograph i edited it on , which is an online editing site where you can edit your images for free, i find that this site offers a better range of effects and is easier to use in comparason to Photoshop.

Friday 4 March 2011


For this photo, i thought strongly on how different people may feel when they look into the mirror, for this particular photo, i find that the person in mind is thinking that they need belief in themselves. This making you think what that person could be going through at a certain time of there life for them to feel this way. I selected this photograph out of the 50 i took because i thought it provoked thought and making you feel as if you maybe need to feel belief in yourself ?

For this photo i found it was compositionally strong in the way it was set out, this is why i chose it.
once taking this photograph i edited it on , which is an online editing site where you can edit your images for free, i find that this site offers a better range of effects and is easier to use in comparason to Photoshop.

Monday 21 February 2011

Bruce Nauman

Its an uncomfortable environment, thats the idea. The volumes are loud and the clown is a symbol of fear for many, and the clowns are saying negative things like 'No' and yelling. All the TV's are turned side ways to give a feeling of discombobulation and confusion. Nauman had many pieces that aggressively challenges the environment and psychology of the viewer.

The Art of Bruce Nauman

This is a video that shows the different installations that Bruce Nauman has created, Bruce Nauman has been said to be one of the best living American artist. His work being very mind provoking and makes the audience think and react in certain ways. I have chosen this artist as i want my installations and art to be very mind provoking and make the audience think and react in different ways. I personaly think that Bruce Nauman's work is very thoughtful and planned out. My two favourites being 'The Double No' and also 'Clown Tourture'

Friday 18 February 2011

What is Eisoptrophobia?

Eisoptrophobia: An abnormal and persistent fear of mirrors. Sufferers experience undue anxiety even though they realize their fear is irrational. Because their fear often is grounded in superstitions, they may worry that breaking a mirror will bring bad luck or that looking into a mirror will put them in contact with a supernatural world inside the glass.
Mirrors and other reflective surfaces have long been associated with the strange or the bizarre. For example, in Greek mythology, Narcissus fell in love with his own image reflected in the water of a fountain. He thought he was seeing the image of a beautiful nymph. Unable to embrace or call forth the image, he pined away and was eventually transformed into a flower. In The Picture of Dorian Gray, a novel by Oscar Wilde, a portrait of a handsome young man begins to deteriorate, reflecting the corruption of the man's inner being. The portrait becomes a mirror reflecting the state of the young man's soul. The man eventually commits murder and suicide.
"Eisoptrophobia" is derived from the Greek "eis" (into) and "optikos" (vision, image, sight). Other English words derived from "optikos" include "optic" (relating to vision) and "optician," a technician who designs eyeglasses according to a prescription